Associate Professor of Physics Education Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1993 Of Note Of note: NSF CAREER Award, 2001-2006 Lilly Teaching Fellow, University of Georgia, 1999-2001 Research Selected Publications: J. L. Dupuy, S. P. Lewis, and P. C. Stancil, “A comprehensive study of hydrogen adsorbing to amorphous water ice: Defining adsorption in classical molecular dynamics,” Astrophysical Journal, 831:54 (2016). V. K. Veeraghattam, K. Manrodt, S. P. Lewis, and P. C. Stancil, “The sticking of atomic hydrogen on amorphous water ice,” Astrophysical Journal, 790:4 (2014). V. A. Shubert and S. P. Lewis, “Size-dependence of infrared spectra in niobium carbide nanocrystals,” International Journal of Modern Physics C 23, 124001 (2012). S. J. Thompson and S. P. Lewis, “Oxygen pairing on the highly non-stoichiometric (110) surface of TiO2,” Physics Procedia 7, 103 (2010). S. J. Thompson and S. P. Lewis, “Revisiting the (110) surface structure of TiO2: A detailed theoretical analysis,” Physical Review B 73, 073403 (2006).