Graduate courses have been designed to give detailed instruction in computer simulation in physics. These courses give an insight into the development of algorithms for the solution of analytically intractable physical problems for which no experimental results exist. The two courses currently offered by the center are: Phys 8601: Introduction to simulation, writing simulation programs, Monte Carlo methods Phys 8602: Classical molecular dynamics algorithms, density functional theory and Carr-Parinello method for quantum molecular dynamics. Short non-credit training courses in the use of various computers are given at regular intervals. Systems support is readily available from EITS. The Center for Simulational Physics is involved in collaborative research programs with major institutions around the world giving students the opportunity to visit other research groups and become engaged in fields of research outside those covered by the center. There are also fine opportunities to come in contact with the many eminent scientists who frequently visit our center. Weekly seminars which focus on the latest research and our annual workshop on simulational methods in condensed matter physics help to introduce students from the CSP to many of the greatest minds in simulational physics today