Monday, February 19, 2024 - 9:15am CSP Conference Room 322 Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics This annual workshop series highlights recent advances in applications, algorithms, and parallel implementations of computer simulation methods for the study of condensed matter systems. Topics of interest include Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and other numerical studies of such physical problems as materials growth, structural and magnetic phase transitions, polymers, surfaces, nanostructures, strongly correlated electron systems and models of exotic quantum phases. Other areas of interest include interfaces, active matter and other non-equilibrium systems, genomics, membranes and protein folding, free energy determinations, electronic structure, machine learning, and novel simulation algorithms. Graduate student participation is encouraged. For further information contact: Prof. David P. LandauAmberly TankersleyTel: 706/542-2909 Fax: 706/ View more details